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Municipios cubiertos Aulas Virtuales

Nuestra misión es favorecer una vida plena y feliz para las personas con Síndrome de Down y sus familias, mediante la generación de servicios y programas que respondan a sus fortalezas y necesidades, buscando el desarrollo de sus habilidades, su participación en la sociedad, el ejercicio de sus derechos y el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida.

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Years of experience
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Municipios cubiertos Aulas Virtuales

Nuestra misión es favorecer una vida plena y feliz para las personas con Síndrome de Down y sus familias, mediante la generación de servicios y programas que respondan a sus fortalezas y necesidades, buscando el desarrollo de sus habilidades, su participación en la sociedad, el ejercicio de sus derechos y el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida.

How to help?

All donations received by the Down Syndrome Corporation through the bank consignment or website, support the processes of rehabilitation and empowerment of children and young people who due to their economic situation are unable to access them.

Dona con un solo clic:

Programa un débito mensual de tu tarjeta de crédito o débito con CVV para hacer tu donación por el lapso de tiempo que desees.

En agradecimiento a tu donación recibirás o podrás enviar un hermoso ramo de flores de Agromonte S.A.

The scholarships allow supporting children and young people who do not have the resources to access the services offered by the Corporation.

Bonos de Condolencia

Sympathy Bonds

Los apoyos a niños y jóvenes se mantienen en el tiempo y transforman sus vidas. Gracias por permitir que tu recuerdo nos haga parte.​

Pagos con QR Code Bancolombia

Si tienes cuenta en Bancolombia, ingresa a tu cuenta en la App Personas de tu celular y escanea el código a continuación, coloca el valor a donar y finaliza la transacción! Si tienes dudas haz clic en el botón bajo la imagen para que conozcas el paso a paso.

Fechas Especiales

Special dates

A baptism, first communions, birthdays, anniversaries; they can become a beautiful opportunity to help others,

Our Programs and Services

Para la Corporación Síndrome de Down es fundamental la atención integral
a la persona, a su familia y a sus entornos
Aimed at children and young people in school stage (5 to 16 years average), it seeks that children and young people, in parallel with the supports offered in the Corporation, are studying in kindergarten or in a formal education school either in primary or in high school.
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This program is aimed at boys, girls and young people with Down Syndrome, between 5 and 20 years of age, its objective is to accompany their process of educational inclusion in gardens and regular schools.
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Oriented towards young people between 16 and 30 years old, it seeks to develop behaviors, skills and knowledge in the young person that allow them to achieve the highest degree of autonomy in different contexts and the preparation for the performance of an occupation.
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Starting in 2009, the support of young people who have within their life project work, be part of the labor force that moves this country, be recognized as people for their skills, experiences, performances and for their contributions to growth began. and development of the companies where they are linked.
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The CSD seeks through different projects to support the strengthening of the response capacity of the different institutions and communities for the detection and care of the population with intellectual disabilities.
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Enlaces de Interés

A United Volunteer to Support ♡

Our volunteers support activities related to fundraising processes and activities that support the fulfillment of the five-year planning.

They also support work previously authorized by the General Directorate of the Down Syndrome Corporation, by virtue of achieving the missionary objectives set for the current year.

Síguenos en Redes Sociales

Nuestros Donantes

Our Strategic Alliances

Inclusive Companies that have believed that our dream is possible

Corporación Síndrome de Down 2024 © Todos los Derechos Reservados | Powered with ❤️ by MiA Group Co.